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log Universal Filter Jump to heading

New in v0.11.0 An easy way to console.log anything from inside of a template file.

View this example in: Liquid Nunjucks 11ty.js Handlebars
Always prefer…
Preferred Example Syntax
Syntax Liquid
{{ "My Title" | log }}
Syntax Nunjucks
{{ "My Title" | log }}
Syntax JavaScript
module.exports = function(data) {
// Caveat: you have access to `console.log` here, so probably use that.
return this.log("My Title");

is functionally the same as running console.log("My Title") inside of your template.

Using log in filter chains Jump to heading

Coming soon in v2.0.0-canary.13

You can drop log in between any filter chain you already have and it will log the incoming data and pass it through to the next filter.

View this example in: Liquid Nunjucks
Syntax Liquid
{{ "My Title" | log | upcase }}

This is the same as:
{% assign temp = "My Title" %}
{{ temp | log }}
{{ temp | upcase }}
Syntax Nunjucks
{{ "My Title" | log | upper }}

This is the same as:
{% set temp = "My Title" %}
{{ temp | log }}
{{ temp | upper }}

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